Monday, October 10, 2005

Tonight is


I'm suddenly really tired...

Just woke up, I totally fell asleep after camp meeting at Munchie Monkeys. Had to cab home because I was really that tired...

I honestly hope the kids will enjoy the camp... I like working with kids, but I always never knew how to relate to 13 year olds... I don't know what they are thinking, I don't know what they like...

Was talking to WS online... I asked something a bit uncharacteristic of me. Even I was a little thrown off when I saw what I wrote. Something along the lines of 'Why am I working so hard?' And then - 'Work so hard for? I just wanna be a tai tai'


I never ever said I want to be a tai tai!

Would probably be bored to tears, am just not the tai tai type la. Socialite maybe. Hahahahaha.

I don't really understand myself now. It's like my mind is spinning in a different direction every moment. Damn, I thought the self identity issues are supposed to be ironed out when I was in my teens?!!

I really don't understand myself. I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't know what I want. Do I choose to just abandon everything I've believed in and just do what I want because it's fun? Or do continue to do what I think is right and ultimately I will thank myself for?

Hate it when I'm rational but irrational. Pragmatic but idealistic.

Asked me 'Why am I always so ice cold? Why am I always so unapproachable?'

How would I know.

You don't know me, don't judge me.


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