Oh my friggin god
I am 45 kg.
My body mass index is 16.1 and according to this website, anything less than 18.5 is underweight. I've always been borderline underweight, so that doesn't really bother me, but still. I've never been 45kg since... I don't know. secondary school.
Okay, according to this website, I'm not even small frame. (I'm 5'6 and 99 pd) Granted, that's for caucasian women... I think I should be about 53-55 kg for my height.
No wonder people have been telling me I look thinner.
I am going to drag my skinny ass to a buffet near me. (If you're wondering, no, I still do not have a skinny ass. It's only my shoulders that are damn skinny.)

Eeeee!!!!! Jutting shoulder bones!!! I won't show you my collar bones. You guys are not prepared for it.
This will be a good weight to gain back to.

Go eat buffet with me!! Erm, after this week though, it's kind of hell week for me this week. @#$@#%$# projects.
Anyway, Bioskin O2 facial is so much better than Mary Chia's facial! My skin is so so so nice after the O2 facial... love it so much, and it only came up to about 100 plus bucks, considered cheaper cause my mum's some member at Bioskin or something. My brother went with me, and I think broster might be a metrosexual a la Tay Ping Hui. Whaha. Sian, too bad we've signed on to Mary Chia, so I've to wait like a few more months before I can switch over to Bioskin.
Then I have to go destroy my skin by going tanning... now I'm super burnt, and my shoulders hurt. :/
My body mass index is 16.1 and according to this website, anything less than 18.5 is underweight. I've always been borderline underweight, so that doesn't really bother me, but still. I've never been 45kg since... I don't know. secondary school.
Okay, according to this website, I'm not even small frame. (I'm 5'6 and 99 pd) Granted, that's for caucasian women... I think I should be about 53-55 kg for my height.
No wonder people have been telling me I look thinner.
I am going to drag my skinny ass to a buffet near me. (If you're wondering, no, I still do not have a skinny ass. It's only my shoulders that are damn skinny.)

Eeeee!!!!! Jutting shoulder bones!!! I won't show you my collar bones. You guys are not prepared for it.
This will be a good weight to gain back to.

Go eat buffet with me!! Erm, after this week though, it's kind of hell week for me this week. @#$@#%$# projects.
Anyway, Bioskin O2 facial is so much better than Mary Chia's facial! My skin is so so so nice after the O2 facial... love it so much, and it only came up to about 100 plus bucks, considered cheaper cause my mum's some member at Bioskin or something. My brother went with me, and I think broster might be a metrosexual a la Tay Ping Hui. Whaha. Sian, too bad we've signed on to Mary Chia, so I've to wait like a few more months before I can switch over to Bioskin.
Then I have to go destroy my skin by going tanning... now I'm super burnt, and my shoulders hurt. :/
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