Of chuckling, door bitches, lousy losers and medicated oil
Seriously, I have been laughing too much these few days. My cheeks hurt.
Incident 1
Mel, Weisiong, Caleb and I went to eat supper at Bt. Timah. On the way back, Weisiong and Caleb are in the front seats, Mel and I are in the back seat. We were talking about females protecting themselves against perverts, so someone brought up pepper spray. The guys in front started talking about ... I don't know. Something boring about pepper spray and laser tasers or something like that. Hahaha. Mel and I were talking in the backseat.
Me 'Can use insecticide, but it's too big to stuff in your bag'
Mel 'Ya... or insect repellant'
Me 'Yup, spray into his eyes'
Mel 'Or medicated oil'
Me 'Medicated oil?!'

Mel 'Yes!!!!!' *makes hand flicking movements like throwing oil at pervert'
Me 'Hahahahhaha... what?!!! Can you imagine telling the perv wait!! let the oil come out!'
Mel 'Hahahahahaha' (still laughing)
Me 'Hahahahahaha'(cannot stop laughing)
Literally doubled over the back seat laughing. Hahahaha :)
We laughed for a good 5 minutes =D
Incident 2
I spent my saturday and sunday in school. Can you believe it.
So much so I think we are all brain dead. I've seen Larry, Yonghui, Chuanhui, Jiaying and Ken for at least 24 hours. :/
I have no social life :/
Hahaha... so we were going home last night (yes, I left school at 12 midnight on a sunday !@#$$%) then Chuanhui said something like 'Larry long legs lousy loser'
Then she went 'Quite sad right, you can actually be lousy being a loser'
At that, I burst out laughing... hahahahha.
And all of us (maybe except Larry) laughed all the way as we walked out to the main road to take cab. Alright, maybe only me and Chuanhui, but I couldn't help it. Haha.
Oh, the whole night, I was trying to get into role, pretending to be a bitch. Trying to snap at them, be pissed off that they keep asking me to run SPSS tests (hahahaha) and and give them the evil eye. I'm kind of up to this already!

Ok, sorry no pretty photos for you guys, =P So far I've succeeded by looking mildly pissed off. Heh.
But ... cannot... Everytime I try to do the evil eye on Larry or anybody else, I burst out laughing in like, 2 seconds. :/
Incident 3
Went cycling with Wenyee at ECP today! For 2 hours straight, I was so damn tired, thank goodness her chauffer was there to send us back to school, I don't wanna stand on the train! I could get used to this! Hahaha. (I'm not materialistic! No no no!)
I think it was the tiredness that got Wenyee and I so crappy, and pissed off at Dan being late. We were really mean to him today. Heh.
Then we're talking about giggling.
'Green shirt guy will giggle'
'What?! No ... chuckle?'
'No one says chuckle! It's so british!'
'Guffaw ... hahahahahaha'
Okay, I know this is not a funny conversation. Not even remotely. But, we are just so tired and crappy, we spent like 5 minutes laughing at what we were talking about. Which is rubbish. I told them that back in secondary school I was doing this short acting exercise for lit class Romeo and Juliet; I was supposed to be Lady Capulet (Not Juliet :/) and I couldn't even say like 3 words without laughing. Hahaha.
I tried the evil eye thing on them... doesn't work also. :/
I can't even remember the number of times people told me that I look damn unfriendly when I don't smile. But that's because hello... no one smiles all the time right, that's just quite psychotic. Why would I like, smile when I'm alone walking around in bizad canteen?!
Anyhoo. Tried. Going to sleep.
Oh ya! Amazing how I was thinking, since Zouk has closed for renovations, I won't be clubbing that much - but I did last Wed (went to support Key in some Ford Supermodels thing with Moon and co) and this week I'm gonna sort of club! Hah! :D I'm missing my cosmopolitans!!!!!
Incident 1
Mel, Weisiong, Caleb and I went to eat supper at Bt. Timah. On the way back, Weisiong and Caleb are in the front seats, Mel and I are in the back seat. We were talking about females protecting themselves against perverts, so someone brought up pepper spray. The guys in front started talking about ... I don't know. Something boring about pepper spray and laser tasers or something like that. Hahaha. Mel and I were talking in the backseat.
Me 'Can use insecticide, but it's too big to stuff in your bag'
Mel 'Ya... or insect repellant'
Me 'Yup, spray into his eyes'
Mel 'Or medicated oil'
Me 'Medicated oil?!'

Mel 'Yes!!!!!' *makes hand flicking movements like throwing oil at pervert'
Me 'Hahahahhaha... what?!!! Can you imagine telling the perv wait!! let the oil come out!'
Mel 'Hahahahahaha' (still laughing)
Me 'Hahahahahaha'(cannot stop laughing)
Literally doubled over the back seat laughing. Hahahaha :)
We laughed for a good 5 minutes =D
Incident 2
I spent my saturday and sunday in school. Can you believe it.
So much so I think we are all brain dead. I've seen Larry, Yonghui, Chuanhui, Jiaying and Ken for at least 24 hours. :/
I have no social life :/
Hahaha... so we were going home last night (yes, I left school at 12 midnight on a sunday !@#$$%) then Chuanhui said something like 'Larry long legs lousy loser'
Then she went 'Quite sad right, you can actually be lousy being a loser'
At that, I burst out laughing... hahahahha.
And all of us (maybe except Larry) laughed all the way as we walked out to the main road to take cab. Alright, maybe only me and Chuanhui, but I couldn't help it. Haha.
Oh, the whole night, I was trying to get into role, pretending to be a bitch. Trying to snap at them, be pissed off that they keep asking me to run SPSS tests (hahahaha) and and give them the evil eye. I'm kind of up to this already!

Ok, sorry no pretty photos for you guys, =P So far I've succeeded by looking mildly pissed off. Heh.
But ... cannot... Everytime I try to do the evil eye on Larry or anybody else, I burst out laughing in like, 2 seconds. :/
Incident 3
Went cycling with Wenyee at ECP today! For 2 hours straight, I was so damn tired, thank goodness her chauffer was there to send us back to school, I don't wanna stand on the train! I could get used to this! Hahaha. (I'm not materialistic! No no no!)
I think it was the tiredness that got Wenyee and I so crappy, and pissed off at Dan being late. We were really mean to him today. Heh.
Then we're talking about giggling.
'Green shirt guy will giggle'
'What?! No ... chuckle?'
'No one says chuckle! It's so british!'
'Guffaw ... hahahahahaha'
Okay, I know this is not a funny conversation. Not even remotely. But, we are just so tired and crappy, we spent like 5 minutes laughing at what we were talking about. Which is rubbish. I told them that back in secondary school I was doing this short acting exercise for lit class Romeo and Juliet; I was supposed to be Lady Capulet (Not Juliet :/) and I couldn't even say like 3 words without laughing. Hahaha.
I tried the evil eye thing on them... doesn't work also. :/
I can't even remember the number of times people told me that I look damn unfriendly when I don't smile. But that's because hello... no one smiles all the time right, that's just quite psychotic. Why would I like, smile when I'm alone walking around in bizad canteen?!
Anyhoo. Tried. Going to sleep.
Oh ya! Amazing how I was thinking, since Zouk has closed for renovations, I won't be clubbing that much - but I did last Wed (went to support Key in some Ford Supermodels thing with Moon and co) and this week I'm gonna sort of club! Hah! :D I'm missing my cosmopolitans!!!!!
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