So little time, so much to do (edited cause I was bored)
Not really in the Arkana sense, but more literal.
Promo/Product/MarketResearch is sucking the life out of me! Hmpf SPSS...
I am not an expert in SPSS, contrary to popular belief. I am only good at running tests...
But! 2 hypothesis and I can crap about it for 8 minutes for the presentation! I'm proud of myself! Hehehehe. And I'm proud of Yonghui and Larry for their presentation skills too... Yh did really well in the managerial implications part, and Larry is so convincing! Chuanhui did such a fantastic job on the powerpoint slides as well! I loved the colours and the design! Jiaying too, it was her who was running tests with me on SPSS and keeping me sane on the whole! haha... and erm, Ken as well.
Also, 'hanging out' with the whole group of them (wh, zw, chuan, yonghui, val, jiaying, edmund, grace) was fun. Like he said, we haven't had such a huge group of us for such a long time. and we haven't informally congregated in the canteen for such a long time. haha. Grace always tells me she hasn't seen me for such a long time... haha... which leads me to really wonder if i had deviated so far from the bizad group...
But it's good to be busy. These days my life is only filled with 3M, Scotch-Brite, Cereal, Nestle, Bookbinders, SMS and Youth, East Coast Park, Sumex (and what on earth that is) and other what not. Maybe the occasional other stuff (like I really need to go clubbing, and I haven't seen a movie for god knows how long, and I need a new wardrobe and i need to dye my hair and get a hair cut haha)
Did you guys know that French laptops (or keyboards in general) are different? As in, they are not the QWERTY types! I didn't know that, until I was using Olivier's laptop to take notes and realised after a while that I was typing rubbish (and he was laughing at me!!! :/)
This is how it looks like (from this website)

Apparently German keyboards are different too! Do I have a German classmate do I have a German classmate?? *thinks*
Oh... I can look at Nick's!!
Thanks to Mel suggesting we eat tang yuan on thursday, now I have a craving for tang yuan all the time. Hahaha...
The woman gave me 7 tang yuans instead of 6... and the truly ironic thing is - the last one that I ate was actually peanut tangyuan...
It was so delish though... I had to stop eating and spit it out. But it's so delish!! I haven't eaten peanut tang yuan in my entire life... :/
I think she mixed up Caleb's order with mine... :/
Hm... doing Sumex (Summary exercise?) and was told that it is actually a whole day exercise. I didn't know that! (Maybe because during the whole of the meeting I was half asleep, due to having only 4 hours of sleep the night before) But it sounds fun, and I've never really planned a whole day event (not really) since FOC and that was only campus hunt, pool games and Sentosa. I'm sure Darren Mel Daryl and I will do well... hopefully! =D=D=D I'm very excited about it!
Daniel is Camp Master! Caleb and WX are program ICs! Hahahahaha. Why are all my friends so high flyyyyyingggggg. =P =P
It's hard being a bitch :(
I had to be angry and pissed off the whole night, while the others are having fun.
But it was soooo fun! I really liked hanging out with the rest of the actors. They kept referring to me as the door bitch!! Even the camera man!!! :/ Hahaha.
I thought I would laugh when I see the dance, but I didn't! Cause I was too busy being tired. Hahaha. I felt mean though. =)
KS -
'Why is the bouncer not bouncing?'
HAhahaha :D
He didn't tell me he'd be using that line, and I nearly sputtered when I heard it. I had to keep a straight face and pretend to be unimpressed by them.
Oh oh.. it happened again! D was driving all of us home from Simei... and he dropped KS at school, so I was like 'Oh I can direct you from here'. It kind of slipped my mind that every time I tried to direct someone to my place from school I inevitably (the keyword is inevitably!) forget to tell them which exit to take... and for like the third time, we ended up at Jurong Island. :/ :/ :/
You know, you kind of figured it when you start to see huge trucks and cargo vehicles...
No use getting a license ... don't even know the way back from school... :/
Promo/Product/MarketResearch is sucking the life out of me! Hmpf SPSS...
I am not an expert in SPSS, contrary to popular belief. I am only good at running tests...
But! 2 hypothesis and I can crap about it for 8 minutes for the presentation! I'm proud of myself! Hehehehe. And I'm proud of Yonghui and Larry for their presentation skills too... Yh did really well in the managerial implications part, and Larry is so convincing! Chuanhui did such a fantastic job on the powerpoint slides as well! I loved the colours and the design! Jiaying too, it was her who was running tests with me on SPSS and keeping me sane on the whole! haha... and erm, Ken as well.
Also, 'hanging out' with the whole group of them (wh, zw, chuan, yonghui, val, jiaying, edmund, grace) was fun. Like he said, we haven't had such a huge group of us for such a long time. and we haven't informally congregated in the canteen for such a long time. haha. Grace always tells me she hasn't seen me for such a long time... haha... which leads me to really wonder if i had deviated so far from the bizad group...
But it's good to be busy. These days my life is only filled with 3M, Scotch-Brite, Cereal, Nestle, Bookbinders, SMS and Youth, East Coast Park, Sumex (and what on earth that is) and other what not. Maybe the occasional other stuff (like I really need to go clubbing, and I haven't seen a movie for god knows how long, and I need a new wardrobe and i need to dye my hair and get a hair cut haha)
Did you guys know that French laptops (or keyboards in general) are different? As in, they are not the QWERTY types! I didn't know that, until I was using Olivier's laptop to take notes and realised after a while that I was typing rubbish (and he was laughing at me!!! :/)
This is how it looks like (from this website)

Apparently German keyboards are different too! Do I have a German classmate do I have a German classmate?? *thinks*
Oh... I can look at Nick's!!
Thanks to Mel suggesting we eat tang yuan on thursday, now I have a craving for tang yuan all the time. Hahaha...
The woman gave me 7 tang yuans instead of 6... and the truly ironic thing is - the last one that I ate was actually peanut tangyuan...
It was so delish though... I had to stop eating and spit it out. But it's so delish!! I haven't eaten peanut tang yuan in my entire life... :/
I think she mixed up Caleb's order with mine... :/
Hm... doing Sumex (Summary exercise?) and was told that it is actually a whole day exercise. I didn't know that! (Maybe because during the whole of the meeting I was half asleep, due to having only 4 hours of sleep the night before) But it sounds fun, and I've never really planned a whole day event (not really) since FOC and that was only campus hunt, pool games and Sentosa. I'm sure Darren Mel Daryl and I will do well... hopefully! =D=D=D I'm very excited about it!
Daniel is Camp Master! Caleb and WX are program ICs! Hahahahaha. Why are all my friends so high flyyyyyingggggg. =P =P
It's hard being a bitch :(
I had to be angry and pissed off the whole night, while the others are having fun.
But it was soooo fun! I really liked hanging out with the rest of the actors. They kept referring to me as the door bitch!! Even the camera man!!! :/ Hahaha.
I thought I would laugh when I see the dance, but I didn't! Cause I was too busy being tired. Hahaha. I felt mean though. =)
KS -
'Why is the bouncer not bouncing?'
HAhahaha :D
He didn't tell me he'd be using that line, and I nearly sputtered when I heard it. I had to keep a straight face and pretend to be unimpressed by them.
Oh oh.. it happened again! D was driving all of us home from Simei... and he dropped KS at school, so I was like 'Oh I can direct you from here'. It kind of slipped my mind that every time I tried to direct someone to my place from school I inevitably (the keyword is inevitably!) forget to tell them which exit to take... and for like the third time, we ended up at Jurong Island. :/ :/ :/
You know, you kind of figured it when you start to see huge trucks and cargo vehicles...
No use getting a license ... don't even know the way back from school... :/
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